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IPLAND SDGs commitments

IPLAND is committed to driving positive change and contributing towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through innovative solutions, responsible business practices, and a commitment to our employees and clients, especially in challenging times such as those posed by the war in Ukraine.


 SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Despite the challenging geopolitical conditions, we have continued to develop our business, providing operational optimisation solutions that keep our clients active in the market. By maintaining our operations and paying taxes, we are committed to sustaining the economic growth of Ukraine and ensuring job stability for our employees with their salaries secured during uncertain times.
  • Our support for employees in light of the Russian invasion included effective relocation processes and the provision of remote work opportunities. We are dedicated to ensuring decent work conditions despite the challenges. Furthermore, our initiatives for professional development, including access to education platforms and mentorship for young employees, underline our commitment to fostering an environment of growth and learning. 


SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

  • Our work with FMCG producers, distributors and retailers to automate and optimize previously unmanaged processes drives innovation and enhances their results. The integration of new technologies like AI and computer vision into everyday processes exemplifies our commitment to innovation. By ensuring that our clients’ employees affected by automation move to more fascinating non-routine tasks, we also contribute to the business activity that supports economic development and human well-being.


SDG 5: Gender Equality

  • Our company proudly upholds the principles of gender equality, demonstrated through our inclusive hiring practices, equitable pay policies, and the representation of women in management and decision-making roles.


 SDG 4: Quality Education

  • Our investment in the professional development of our employees, through education platforms and mentoring, aligns with SDG 4’s aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


 SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals 

  • Our belief in international cooperation is demonstrated through our expansion and collaboration across Central Asia, South Caucasus, and Eastern Europe, and our ability to operate in 11 languages and 5 time zones.
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