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We help to grow
Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine

The leader in the market of soft drinks in Ukraine


"effie> made it possible to more efficiently organize the work of merchandisers, facilitated and simplified the process of collecting information ... The received analytical information accelerated the process of responding to emerging difficulties in stores and monitoring contractual conditions with networks" (Oksana Kaminskaya, Project Manager)

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

One of the world's largest food and beverage manufacturers


"effie> implementation allowed us to raise the company’s standard in the “Modern Trade” channel to a new level of management, to harmonize the real actions of mobile employees with their motivation system" (Yevhen Liubimov, the Head of the Business Transformation Department)

  • effie> Modern Trade with Image Recognition Module

The world's largest food producer


«effie> helped us to simplify the monitoring of our presence in stores and improve our understanding of the situation at points of sale in different regions. It is a very flexible and convenient tool that easily adapts to business needs» (Svitlana Mikhno, CCSD (Corpor. Channel Sales Development)

  • effie> Modern Trade with Image Recognition Module
Philip Morris

The leader of the tobacco market in Ukraine


"With effie> the job of our local supervisors has been changed significantly. Now they can do synchronization in the morning and work in the fields. As the result we’ve managed to reduce the number of audit steps to a minimum" (Vladimir Voloshyn, the Head of Branch)

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Shell is an international energy company


"effie> was exactly what we wanted. Basically we wanted to exchange photos, but in fact, of course, we’ve got much more opportunities, and we can develop our activities in a different direction" (Nikita Svidlo, Project Manager)

  • Sales management service effie> retail

Global manufacturer of high performance batteries

“Thanks to effie> service, our merchandisers fulfill all the tasks assigned to them. We got an excellent tool for monitoring the work of mobile employees in the fields and collecting data” (Irina Molchanova, Director)

Teva Ukraine

The part of TEVA corporation, leading international pharmaceutical company


"We are glad that we were the first in the pharmaceutical industry to start working in this direction with IPLAND. It is a truly innovative company that adapts effie> capabilities taking into account the specifics and needs of our industry" (Irina Zhuravleva, Standards and Procedures Implementation Manager)

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module
  • effie> Modern Trade with Image Recognition Module
Milkiland Ukraine

Ukrainian company uniting 12 dairy enterprises in Eastern Europe

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
  • Sales management service for FMCG in traditional retail effie> Traditional Trade
Caparol Ukraine

One of the world leaders in professional floor coatings

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Bambix LLC

The group of companies with perennial experience in the field of household chemicals, hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumery and household goods in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Persha Privatna Brovarnya

One of the leaders in the beer and kvass market in Ukraine


In effie> we analyze everything that happens in the trading floors, we see all prices online, our sales dynamics and our competitors', and we understand what changes are and will happen. Thanks to control in effie> we improve our efficiency” (Victor Vardimiadi, National Manager)

  • effie> Modern Trade with Image Recognition Module
  • Image recognition module for Modern Trade​ and Traditional Trade effie> Image Recognition

Ukrainian holding, among the areas of activity: import, production and distribution of food products, logistics services, etc.

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Bayadera Logistic

The largest distributor of alcohol in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

The largest retail chain in Eastern Europe, household appliances and electronics

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Global Spirits

World leader, alcohol producer

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

One of the world leaders on the alcohol market  

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
KOMO Ukraine
The largest cheese producer in Ukraine
“Frankly, I didn't see any other system, except effie>, which would allow you to get to a particular store and ask a specific question to a particular merchandiser or a specific KAM, or send a request to the chain to find out the reason for under-delivery from the DC” (Vladimir Filonenko, Head of Trade Marketing Department)

Procter&Gamble distributor in Ukriane 


"effie> merchandise coped with all the tasks perfectly. It was this service that answered all our questions. Now we can control attendance and the quality of work in retail outlets" (Irina Klyuchnikova, Regional Leader of the Merchandising Project)


Bon Boisson

The leader in the production of mineral water and soft drinks


“As a result, we gained confidence in the future. Sales growth in the first month of putting effie> into operation amounted to 126%, and this is encouraging for us” (Illarion Bezerku, Business Process Engineer, Modern Retail Department)


One of the leaders among Western Ukrainian dairy producers

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Deliсia TM


  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Industrial and Trade Company Shabo LLC

Alcohol producer

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Pernod Ricard Ukraine

Представництво французької групи “Перно Рікар” (Pernod Ricard), провідного виробника та іимпортера елітних алкогольних напоїв всесвітньо відомих брендів 

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Elfa Laboratories

The biggest cosmetic holding in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade


Market leader in snack foods


“One of the advantages of effie> is a dynamic reporting system. We have received a unique tool that allows us to make quick management decisions and monitor the work of mobile employees” (Alexander, National Director)

ВНВ group

A group of companies with many years of experience in the field of household chemicals, hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumery and household goods

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Ukrainian pharmacy holding

Pharmaceutical company, it includes the network of pharmacies “Zdravitsa”, “Dobri Liki”, “Centralnaya”


  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

Pharmacy chain

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

Pharmacy chain

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module
Hormonal drug store

Pharmacy chain

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

Pharmacy chain

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

Pharmacy chain

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

Pharmacy chain "911"

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module

"Podorozhnik" pharmacy chain


"This is undoubtedly a successful cooperation from the first day of the partnership.Thanks to this digitalization, we have successfully optimized many business processes of the company and continue to do so. We see a real assessment of each pharmacy" (Ulyana Yavorska, Operations Director)

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module
New Products Group

One of the largest producers of beverages and snacks in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

The largest distributor of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, meat and dairy products, flour and confectionery products (Azerbaijan)

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

One of the leaders of the Azerbaijani trade and distribution market

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

One of the leading retail companies in FMCG sector in Azerbaijan

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

The largest company in the water treatment technology market


"Many thanks to the team that they hear and understand us. Business analysts help us, tell us which algorithm is better to choose, so that the statistics we need are displayed correctly. They answer many queries in just a couple of hours, immediately give us feedback. It's very cool!” (Evgeny Stolyarov, Head of Key Account Management)



Distributor of food and alcohol products


“We realized that the automation path is more correct. It gives a greater degree of control and operational control over the work of the merchandising department. During the pilot, we realized that it's the way we need” (Alexey Druzenko, director of strategic development and innovation)

Pervyi Pivzavod (Каzakhstan)

Founder of the brewing industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a high-tech brewery

  • effie> Modern Trade with Image Recognition Module
  • effie> Traditional Trade with Image Recognition Module
Bel Shostka Ukraine

The leader of domestic cheese making in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Creates new food solutions for people ready for change


"For us effie> is the opportunity for professional growth of the team" (Taras Skorupskiy, the Head of Marketing and Business Development Office)


  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
  • Sales management service for FMCG in traditional retail effie> Traditional Trade

One of the biggest alcohol producers in Ukraine 

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
House of vintage cognacs "Tavria"

One of the largest cognac producers in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Veres Group of Companies

Veres Group of Companies is a vertically integrated holding specializing in the production of canned fruits and vegetables

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Opillya Brewery LLC

Opillya Brewery LLC - Ternopil producer of beer and naturally fermented beverages

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

LED lamp manufacturer

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Manufacturer of the frozen semi-finished products, VALESTO TM

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Espresso Trade

One of the leaders in the segment of espresso coffee in monodoses in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Included in the TOP 10 largest producers of poultry meat in Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Manufacturer of various building materials

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Alcoline, TM Bolgrad

Bolgrad winery, one of the oldest wine producers in Ukraine


"Now we get reliable analytics, with the help of which we determine our real market share and not just keep it, but increase it by constantly monitoring our presence on the shelf" (Sergey Neforosov, the Head of Audit Department)

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Krivoozersk food flavoring factory

Виробник у сегменті мінеральних вод південного регіону України 

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

National FMCG distributor in Ukraine 

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

Exclusive distributor of high-quality medicines, dental and gum care products, cosmetics based on natural raw materials, sanitation, hygiene and dietary supplements of natural origin

Solutions and support:
  • IT-service for brand and sales management for FMCG producers effie>
Delta Food

Ukrainian national agro-industrial group, with leading activities in the consumer and production markets

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
Lvivska pivna komhpaniya

Leading supplier of drinks and food in the Western region of Ukraine

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

The leader of Ukraine in category of seafood processing 

Solutions and support:
  • IT-service for brand and sales management for FMCG producers effie>
All Motion Ukraine

Marketing agency

  • effie> pharm with Image Recognition Module
  • IT-service for brand and sales management for FMCG producers effie>
  • Узнать больше
Agricom Goup

National agro-industrial group specializing in the development, production and distribution of cereal food products

Solutions and support:
  • IT-service for brand and sales management for FMCG producers effie>

Promo agency


"effie> - a high-quality quick response tool that allows you to properly manage sales to achieve great results" (Anna Firsova, Director)

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
  • Server infrastructure
  • Local network, Wi-Fi
  • Cable infrastructure building
  • Support
  • Office IT-infrastructure support
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Carpathian Mineral Water

National producer of mineral water and soft drinks 

  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade

One of the largest distributors of cosmetics and perfumery in Ukraine 

Solutions and support:
  • Resources planning system (ERP)
  • Sales management service for FMCG in modern retail effie> Modern Trade
  • Server infrastructure
  • Local network Wi-Fi
  • Cable infrastructure building
  • Users support
Wine Time

National chain of wine stores

Solutions and support:
  • Server infrastructure
  • IT-service effie> retail
  • ERP, resource planning system
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DIY market leader


“Thanks to the introduction of the effie> sales service and a convenient electronic catalog, we can present our customers the entire range. The service allows you to control the work of sales representatives, as well as correctly calculate the delivery of orders” (Sergey Stalnikovich, Director)

Solutions and support:
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